Module pyseext.form_helper

Module that contains our FormHelper class.

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Module that contains our FormHelper class.
import logging
from typing import Union

from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver

from pyseext.component_query import ComponentQuery
from pyseext.field_helper import FieldHelper
from pyseext.button_helper import ButtonHelper
from pyseext.input_helper import InputHelper

class FormHelper:
    """A class to help with interacting with Ext form panels and forms"""

    def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver):
        """Initialises an instance of this class

            driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        """The Logger instance for this class instance"""

        self._driver = driver
        """The WebDriver instance for this class instance"""

        self._button_helper = ButtonHelper(driver)
        """The `ButtonHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._field_helper = FieldHelper(driver)
        """The `FieldHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._input_helper = InputHelper(driver)
        """The `InputHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._cq = ComponentQuery(driver)
        """The `ComponentQuery` instance for this class instance"""

    def set_form_values(self, form_cq: str, field_values: Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]], starting_field_index_or_name: Union[int, str, None] = 0):
        """Sets the values on the specified form panel.

        If using the list version, you can only supply values that can be typed into input elements, so
        it won't work as expected for checkboxes or radio buttons.

            form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel on which to set the values.
            field_values (Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]]): Either a dictionary containing
                the 'name' and 'value' of the fields.
                    The values can be strings, numbers or an object containing:
                        - value (Any): The value for the field
                        - delay (int): Number of seconds to delay after setting a value (a botch for remote combos at the moment)
                        - tab_off (bool): Indicates whether to tab off the field after typing (another botch for remote combos)
                                          and only works with fields that are being typed into.
                Or an array of values to type into the fields, in order of appearance, tabbing on from each field.
                    A value of None in the array means that no value should be entered.
            starting_field_index_or_name (Union[int, str, None]): The field where focus should start when using a list for the field values.
                                                                  Can be a zero-based index or field name. Defaults to 0.
                                                                  Use None if do not want to try and check it or force it for some reason.

        if isinstance(field_values, dict):
  "Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

            for field_name in field_values.keys():
                self._field_helper.set_field_value(form_cq, field_name, field_values[field_name])

        elif isinstance(field_values, list):
  "Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

            if not starting_field_index_or_name is None:
                # Ensure we are starting at our desired field in the form
                if not self._field_helper.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name):
                    self._field_helper.focus_field(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name, check_has_focus_after = False)

                # Wait for field to have focus, so that it's functionally equivalent to the old version of this method
                self._field_helper.wait_until_field_has_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name)

            for field_value in field_values:
                if field_value:


            raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'field_values' is not of type 'dict' or a 'list', but type '{type(field_values)}'.")

    def submit_by_button(self, form_cq: str, text: str = 'Ok'):
        """Submits a form by clicking on it's submit button.

            form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel to submit.
            text (str, optional): The text on the submit button. Defaults to 'Ok'.
        form = self._cq.wait_for_single_query_visible(form_cq)
        self._button_helper.click_button_by_text(text, form.get_attribute('id'))


class FormHelper (driver: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver)

A class to help with interacting with Ext form panels and forms

Initialises an instance of this class


driver : WebDriver
The webdriver to use
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class FormHelper:
    """A class to help with interacting with Ext form panels and forms"""

    def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver):
        """Initialises an instance of this class

            driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        """The Logger instance for this class instance"""

        self._driver = driver
        """The WebDriver instance for this class instance"""

        self._button_helper = ButtonHelper(driver)
        """The `ButtonHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._field_helper = FieldHelper(driver)
        """The `FieldHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._input_helper = InputHelper(driver)
        """The `InputHelper` instance for this class instance"""

        self._cq = ComponentQuery(driver)
        """The `ComponentQuery` instance for this class instance"""

    def set_form_values(self, form_cq: str, field_values: Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]], starting_field_index_or_name: Union[int, str, None] = 0):
        """Sets the values on the specified form panel.

        If using the list version, you can only supply values that can be typed into input elements, so
        it won't work as expected for checkboxes or radio buttons.

            form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel on which to set the values.
            field_values (Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]]): Either a dictionary containing
                the 'name' and 'value' of the fields.
                    The values can be strings, numbers or an object containing:
                        - value (Any): The value for the field
                        - delay (int): Number of seconds to delay after setting a value (a botch for remote combos at the moment)
                        - tab_off (bool): Indicates whether to tab off the field after typing (another botch for remote combos)
                                          and only works with fields that are being typed into.
                Or an array of values to type into the fields, in order of appearance, tabbing on from each field.
                    A value of None in the array means that no value should be entered.
            starting_field_index_or_name (Union[int, str, None]): The field where focus should start when using a list for the field values.
                                                                  Can be a zero-based index or field name. Defaults to 0.
                                                                  Use None if do not want to try and check it or force it for some reason.

        if isinstance(field_values, dict):
  "Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

            for field_name in field_values.keys():
                self._field_helper.set_field_value(form_cq, field_name, field_values[field_name])

        elif isinstance(field_values, list):
  "Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

            if not starting_field_index_or_name is None:
                # Ensure we are starting at our desired field in the form
                if not self._field_helper.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name):
                    self._field_helper.focus_field(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name, check_has_focus_after = False)

                # Wait for field to have focus, so that it's functionally equivalent to the old version of this method
                self._field_helper.wait_until_field_has_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name)

            for field_value in field_values:
                if field_value:


            raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'field_values' is not of type 'dict' or a 'list', but type '{type(field_values)}'.")

    def submit_by_button(self, form_cq: str, text: str = 'Ok'):
        """Submits a form by clicking on it's submit button.

            form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel to submit.
            text (str, optional): The text on the submit button. Defaults to 'Ok'.
        form = self._cq.wait_for_single_query_visible(form_cq)
        self._button_helper.click_button_by_text(text, form.get_attribute('id'))


def set_form_values(self, form_cq: str, field_values: Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, NoneType]]], starting_field_index_or_name: Union[int, str, ForwardRef(None)] = 0)

Sets the values on the specified form panel.

If using the list version, you can only supply values that can be typed into input elements, so it won't work as expected for checkboxes or radio buttons.


form_cq : str
The component query that identifies the form panel on which to set the values.
field_values : Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]]
Either a dictionary containing the 'name' and 'value' of the fields. The values can be strings, numbers or an object containing: - value (Any): The value for the field - delay (int): Number of seconds to delay after setting a value (a botch for remote combos at the moment) - tab_off (bool): Indicates whether to tab off the field after typing (another botch for remote combos) and only works with fields that are being typed into. Or an array of values to type into the fields, in order of appearance, tabbing on from each field. A value of None in the array means that no value should be entered.
starting_field_index_or_name : Union[int, str, None]
The field where focus should start when using a list for the field values. Can be a zero-based index or field name. Defaults to 0. Use None if do not want to try and check it or force it for some reason.
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def set_form_values(self, form_cq: str, field_values: Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]], starting_field_index_or_name: Union[int, str, None] = 0):
    """Sets the values on the specified form panel.

    If using the list version, you can only supply values that can be typed into input elements, so
    it won't work as expected for checkboxes or radio buttons.

        form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel on which to set the values.
        field_values (Union[dict, list[Union[str, float, int, None]]]): Either a dictionary containing
            the 'name' and 'value' of the fields.
                The values can be strings, numbers or an object containing:
                    - value (Any): The value for the field
                    - delay (int): Number of seconds to delay after setting a value (a botch for remote combos at the moment)
                    - tab_off (bool): Indicates whether to tab off the field after typing (another botch for remote combos)
                                      and only works with fields that are being typed into.
            Or an array of values to type into the fields, in order of appearance, tabbing on from each field.
                A value of None in the array means that no value should be entered.
        starting_field_index_or_name (Union[int, str, None]): The field where focus should start when using a list for the field values.
                                                              Can be a zero-based index or field name. Defaults to 0.
                                                              Use None if do not want to try and check it or force it for some reason.

    if isinstance(field_values, dict):"Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

        for field_name in field_values.keys():
            self._field_helper.set_field_value(form_cq, field_name, field_values[field_name])

    elif isinstance(field_values, list):"Populating form '%s' with values: %s", form_cq, field_values)

        if not starting_field_index_or_name is None:
            # Ensure we are starting at our desired field in the form
            if not self._field_helper.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name):
                self._field_helper.focus_field(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name, check_has_focus_after = False)

            # Wait for field to have focus, so that it's functionally equivalent to the old version of this method
            self._field_helper.wait_until_field_has_focus(form_cq, starting_field_index_or_name)

        for field_value in field_values:
            if field_value:


        raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'field_values' is not of type 'dict' or a 'list', but type '{type(field_values)}'.")
def submit_by_button(self, form_cq: str, text: str = 'Ok')

Submits a form by clicking on it's submit button.


form_cq : str
The component query that identifies the form panel to submit.
text : str, optional
The text on the submit button. Defaults to 'Ok'.
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def submit_by_button(self, form_cq: str, text: str = 'Ok'):
    """Submits a form by clicking on it's submit button.

        form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel to submit.
        text (str, optional): The text on the submit button. Defaults to 'Ok'.
    form = self._cq.wait_for_single_query_visible(form_cq)
    self._button_helper.click_button_by_text(text, form.get_attribute('id'))