Module pyseext.field_helper
Module that contains our FieldHelper class.
Expand source code
Module that contains our FieldHelper class.
import logging
from typing import Union, Any
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from import WebDriverWait
from pyseext.component_query import ComponentQuery
from pyseext.has_referenced_javascript import HasReferencedJavaScript
from pyseext.core import Core
from pyseext.input_helper import InputHelper
from pyseext.store_helper import StoreHelper
class FieldHelper(HasReferencedJavaScript):
"""A class to help with interacting with Ext fields"""
# Class variables
_FIND_FIELD_INPUT_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.findFieldInputElement('{form_cq}', '{name}')"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.findFieldInputElement
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}"""
_GET_FIELD_XTYPE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldXType('{form_cq}', '{name}')"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldXType
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}"""
_GET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldValue('{form_cq}', '{name}')"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldValue
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}"""
_GET_FIELD_DISPLAY_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldDisplayValue('{form_cq}', '{name}')"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldDisplayValue
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}"""
_SET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.setFieldValue('{form_cq}', '{name}', {value})"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.setFieldValue
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}, {value}"""
_IS_REMOTELY_FILTERED_COMBOBOX_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.isRemotelyFilteredComboBox('{form_cq}', '{name}')"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.isRemotelyFilteredComboBox
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}"""
_FOCUS_FIELD_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.focusField('{form_cq}', {index_or_name})"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.focusField
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {index_or_name}"""
_DOES_FIELD_HAVE_FOCUS_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.doesFieldHaveFocus('{form_cq}', {index_or_name})"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.doesFieldHaveFocus
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {index_or_name}"""
_SELECT_COMBOBOX_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.selectComboBoxValue('{form_cq}', '{name}', {data})"
"""The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.selectComboBoxValue
Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}, {data}"""
def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver):
"""Initialises an instance of this class
driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""The Logger instance for this class instance"""
self._driver = driver
"""The WebDriver instance for this class instance"""
self._action_chains = ActionChains(driver)
"""The ActionChains instance for this class instance"""
self._core = Core(driver)
"""The `Core` instance for this class instance"""
self._input_helper = InputHelper(driver)
"""The `InputHelper` instance for this class instance"""
self._store_helper = StoreHelper(driver)
"""The `StoreHelper` instance for this class instance"""
self._cq = ComponentQuery(driver)
"""The `ComponentQuery` instance for this class instance"""
# Initialise our base class
super().__init__(driver, self._logger)
def find_field_input_element(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> WebElement:
"""Attempts to get a field by name from the specified form panel
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
WebElement: The field's input element DOM element, or None if not found.
field_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)
# Append enabled test
field_cq = field_cq + '{isDisabled()===false}'
# And wait until available
# Now get its input element
script = self._FIND_FIELD_INPUT_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def get_field_xtype(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> str:
"""Attempts to get the xtype of a field by name from the specified form panel
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
str: The xtype of the field, or None if not found.
script = self._GET_FIELD_XTYPE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def is_field_a_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a combobox (or a subclass of it).
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a combobox, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_text_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a text field (or a subclass of it).
Note that text areas, number fields, and date fields all inherit from text field.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a text field, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Text', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_number_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a number field (or a subclass of it).
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a number field, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Number', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_date_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a date field (or a subclass of it).
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a date field, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Date', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_checkbox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a checkbox (or a subclass of it).
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a checkbox, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_radio_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a radio field (or a subclass of it).
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field is a radio field, False otherwise.
return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Radio', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def get_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any:
"""Attempts to get the value of a field by name from the specified form panel
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
Any: The value of the field, or None if not found.
script = self._GET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def get_field_display_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any:
"""Attempts to get the display value of a field by name from the specified form panel.
Supported by comboboxes and display fields.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
Any: The display value of the field, or None if not found or if the field does not have a display value.
script = self._GET_FIELD_DISPLAY_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def set_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[dict, float, str]):
"""Sets the value for a field.
If the field can be typed into by a user, and the value is typeable, then that is the approach taken.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field.
name (str): The name of the field.
value (Union[dict, float, str]): The value for the field.
If the value is a number or string then it is typed into the field where possible,
otherwise the value is set directly.
If the value is a dictionary then either it, or it's value member is taken to be model
data to select in a combobox.
If the combobox is remotely filtered then it is expected that both a value member and
a filterText member is specified, where the filterText is typed into the combobox, then
the value selected.
If the value is supplied as a dictionary and the field is not a store holder then
an exception is thrown.
# Only used for radiogroup controls now, but xtype still useful to throw a better error if field not found.
field_xtype = self.get_field_xtype(form_cq, name)
if field_xtype:
# Field found!
field_value = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'value', value)
# Now need to set it's value
if self.is_field_a_combobox(form_cq, name):
is_combo_remote = self._is_field_remotely_filtered_combobox(form_cq, name)
is_value_a_dict = isinstance(field_value, dict)
if is_combo_remote:
if not is_value_a_dict:
# We want to type into the combobox, to filter it, and wait for it to load.
# Once loaded we expect to have a single value that will end up selected.
# Reset the store load count
combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)
# Filter it
field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name)
self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value, disable_realistic_typing=True)
# Wait for the store to load
# Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times
# before the store load has actually triggered and completed.
# To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete, then check
# if the store has loaded
# FIXME: Does the store have a count of one?
# .....: Do we really care? If multiple then the top one will be highlighted...
# Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?!
# We are expecting some filter text
filter_text = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'filterText')
if not filter_text:
raise Core.ArgumentException("value", "We were expecting the argument '{name}' to have a 'filterText' member, but it is missing.")
# Reset the store load count
combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)
# Filter it
field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name)
self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, filter_text, disable_realistic_typing=True)
# Wait for the store to load
# Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times
# before the store load has actually triggered and completed.
# To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete.
was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value)
if not was_value_selected:
raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value)
if not is_value_a_dict:
# We can just type into the combobox
field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name)
self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value)
# Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?!
was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value)
if not was_value_selected:
raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value)
elif self.is_field_a_text_field(form_cq, name):
# Field can be typed into
field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name)
self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value)
# Still using xtype for testing for radiogroup controls, since name tends to be
# shared between group and contained radios, meaning check fails.
# Pretty unlikely to ever subclass a radiogroup class anyway, and if did would almost
# certainly have the same suffix (we do).
elif (field_xtype.endswith('radiogroup') or
self.is_field_a_checkbox(form_cq, name) or
self.is_field_a_radio_field(form_cq, name)):
# FIXME: We could click on the elements here, after checking whether they
# .....: are already set to the value we want.
# .....: For a radio group, can get child controls using getBoxes(query),
# .....: so could click on children if wanted!
# Directly set the value on the field
self.set_field_value_directly(form_cq, name, field_value)
raise FieldHelper.UnsupportedFieldXTypeException(form_cq, name, field_xtype)
raise FieldHelper.FieldNotFoundException(form_cq, name)
def set_field_value_directly(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[int, str]):
"""Sets the value for a field using Ext's setValue method.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
value (Union[int, str]): The value for the field.
# If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script
if isinstance(value, str):
value = f"'{value}'"
# If value is a boolean we want to force it to lowercase
if isinstance(value, bool):
value = str(value).lower()
script = self._SET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, value=value)
def focus_field(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], check_has_focus_after: bool = True):
"""Method to focus on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field to focus.
check_has_focus_after (bool): Indicates whether to check that the field is focused afterwards. Defaults to True.
# If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script
if isinstance(index_or_name, str):
index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'"
script = self._FOCUS_FIELD_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name)
self.ensure_javascript_loaded()"Focusing field %s on form '%s'", index_or_name, form_cq)
if check_has_focus_after:
has_focus = self.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, index_or_name)
if not has_focus:
self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' does not have focus!", index_or_name, form_cq)
# Try again (can't hurt)
self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' has focus!", index_or_name, form_cq)
def does_field_have_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]) -> bool:
"""Determines whether focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field.
bool: True if the field has focus, False otherwise.
# If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script
if isinstance(index_or_name, str):
index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'"
script = self._DOES_FIELD_HAVE_FOCUS_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def wait_until_field_has_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], timeout: float = 10):
"""Waits until the focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field.
timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(FieldHelper.FieldHasFocusExpectation(form_cq, index_or_name))
def get_field_component_query(self, form_cq: str, name: str):
"""Builds the component query for a field on a form.
This is useful, since allows you to interact with a field using component query, so can
utilise the methods in StoreHelper, say.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field.
# Need to use component rather than field since need to be able to query for radiogroup and checkbox group.
return f'{form_cq} component[name="{name}"]'
def check_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Any) -> bool:
"""Method that checks that the value of the specified field is that specified.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field.
name (str): The name of the field
value (Any): The value that we expect the field to have.
bool: True if the value of the field matches the expected, False otherwise.
field_value = self.get_field_value(form_cq, name)
return field_value == value
def select_combobox_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict) -> bool:
"""Selects a value on a combobox field by finding a record with the specified data.
All members of the data object must match a record in the store.
Waits until the combobox has finished loading first, and ensures that the select
event is fired on the combobox if the record is found.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
data (dict): The data to find in the store and select.
True if the value was found and selected, False otherwise.
self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
script = self._SELECT_COMBOBOX_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, data=data)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def _is_field_remotely_filtered_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool:
"""Attempts to find a field by name from the specified form panel, and determine whether
it is a remotely filtered combobox.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
name (str): The name of the field
bool: True if the field was found, and is a remotely filtered combobox. False otherwise.
script = self._IS_REMOTELY_FILTERED_COMBOBOX_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name)
return self._driver.execute_script(script)
class FieldNotFoundException(Exception):
"""Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified field"""
def __init__(self, form_cq: str, name: str, message: str = "Failed to find field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'."):
"""Initialises an instance of this exception
form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form
name (str): The name of the field
message (str, optional): The exception message. Defaults to "Failed to find field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'.".
self.message = message
self._form_cq = form_cq
self._name = name
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of this exception"""
return self.message.format(name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq)
class UnsupportedFieldXTypeException(Exception):
"""Exception class thrown when we have been asked to perform an action that is not
supported for the given field xtype.
def __init__(self,
form_cq: str,
name: str,
xtype: str,
message: str = "The field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}' is of an xtype '{xtype}' which is not supported for the requested operation."):
"""Initialises an instance of this exception
form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form
name (str): The name of the field
xtype (str): The xtype of the field.
message (str, optional): The exception message.
Defaults to "The field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}' is of an xtype '{xtype}' which is not supported for the requested operation."
self.message = message
self._form_cq = form_cq
self._name = name
self._xtype = xtype
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of this exception"""
return self.message.format(name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq, xtype=self._xtype)
class RecordNotFoundException(Exception):
"""Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified record in the a combobox"""
def __init__(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict, message: str = "Failed to find record with data {data} in combobox named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'."):
"""Initialises an instance of this exception
form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form
name (str): The name of the combobox
data (dict): The data for the record we were looking for.
message (str, optional): The exception message. Defaults to "Failed to find record with data {data} in combobox named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'.".
self.message = message
self._form_cq = form_cq
self._name = name
self._data = data
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of this exception"""
return self.message.format(data=self._data, name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq)
class FieldHasFocusExpectation:
""" An expectation for checking that the specified field has focus"""
def __init__(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]):
"""Initialises an instance of this class.
form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field.
self._form_cq = form_cq
self._index_or_name = index_or_name
def __call__(self, driver):
"""Method that determines whether a CQ is found
return FieldHelper(driver).does_field_have_focus(self._form_cq, self._index_or_name)
class FieldHelper (driver: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver)
A class to help with interacting with Ext fields
Initialises an instance of this class
- The webdriver to use
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class FieldHelper(HasReferencedJavaScript): """A class to help with interacting with Ext fields""" # Class variables _FIND_FIELD_INPUT_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.findFieldInputElement('{form_cq}', '{name}')" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.findFieldInputElement Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}""" _GET_FIELD_XTYPE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldXType('{form_cq}', '{name}')" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldXType Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}""" _GET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldValue('{form_cq}', '{name}')" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldValue Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}""" _GET_FIELD_DISPLAY_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldDisplayValue('{form_cq}', '{name}')" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.getFieldDisplayValue Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}""" _SET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.setFieldValue('{form_cq}', '{name}', {value})" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.setFieldValue Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}, {value}""" _IS_REMOTELY_FILTERED_COMBOBOX_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.isRemotelyFilteredComboBox('{form_cq}', '{name}')" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.isRemotelyFilteredComboBox Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}""" _FOCUS_FIELD_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.focusField('{form_cq}', {index_or_name})" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.focusField Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {index_or_name}""" _DOES_FIELD_HAVE_FOCUS_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.doesFieldHaveFocus('{form_cq}', {index_or_name})" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.doesFieldHaveFocus Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {index_or_name}""" _SELECT_COMBOBOX_VALUE_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.FieldHelper.selectComboBoxValue('{form_cq}', '{name}', {data})" """The script template to use to call the JavaScript method PySeExt.FieldHelper.selectComboBoxValue Requires the inserts: {form_cq}, {name}, {data}""" def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver): """Initialises an instance of this class Args: driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """The Logger instance for this class instance""" self._driver = driver """The WebDriver instance for this class instance""" self._action_chains = ActionChains(driver) """The ActionChains instance for this class instance""" self._core = Core(driver) """The `Core` instance for this class instance""" self._input_helper = InputHelper(driver) """The `InputHelper` instance for this class instance""" self._store_helper = StoreHelper(driver) """The `StoreHelper` instance for this class instance""" self._cq = ComponentQuery(driver) """The `ComponentQuery` instance for this class instance""" # Initialise our base class super().__init__(driver, self._logger) def find_field_input_element(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> WebElement: """Attempts to get a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: WebElement: The field's input element DOM element, or None if not found. """ field_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) # Append enabled test field_cq = field_cq + '{isDisabled()===false}' # And wait until available self._cq.wait_for_single_query(field_cq) # Now get its input element script = self._FIND_FIELD_INPUT_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def get_field_xtype(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> str: """Attempts to get the xtype of a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: str: The xtype of the field, or None if not found. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_XTYPE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def is_field_a_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a combobox (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a combobox, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def is_field_a_text_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a text field (or a subclass of it). Note that text areas, number fields, and date fields all inherit from text field. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a text field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Text', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def is_field_a_number_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a number field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a number field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Number', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def is_field_a_date_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a date field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a date field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Date', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def is_field_a_checkbox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a checkbox (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a checkbox, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def is_field_a_radio_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a radio field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a radio field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Radio', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) def get_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any: """Attempts to get the value of a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: Any: The value of the field, or None if not found. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def get_field_display_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any: """Attempts to get the display value of a field by name from the specified form panel. Supported by comboboxes and display fields. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: Any: The display value of the field, or None if not found or if the field does not have a display value. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_DISPLAY_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def set_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[dict, float, str]): """Sets the value for a field. If the field can be typed into by a user, and the value is typeable, then that is the approach taken. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field. name (str): The name of the field. value (Union[dict, float, str]): The value for the field. If the value is a number or string then it is typed into the field where possible, otherwise the value is set directly. If the value is a dictionary then either it, or it's value member is taken to be model data to select in a combobox. If the combobox is remotely filtered then it is expected that both a value member and a filterText member is specified, where the filterText is typed into the combobox, then the value selected. If the value is supplied as a dictionary and the field is not a store holder then an exception is thrown. """ # Only used for radiogroup controls now, but xtype still useful to throw a better error if field not found. field_xtype = self.get_field_xtype(form_cq, name) if field_xtype: # Field found! field_value = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'value', value) # Now need to set it's value if self.is_field_a_combobox(form_cq, name): is_combo_remote = self._is_field_remotely_filtered_combobox(form_cq, name) is_value_a_dict = isinstance(field_value, dict) if is_combo_remote: if not is_value_a_dict: # We want to type into the combobox, to filter it, and wait for it to load. # Once loaded we expect to have a single value that will end up selected. # Reset the store load count combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) self._store_helper.reset_store_load_count(combobox_cq) # Filter it field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value, disable_realistic_typing=True) # Wait for the store to load self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(combobox_cq) # Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times # before the store load has actually triggered and completed. # To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete, then check # if the store has loaded self._core.wait_for_no_ajax_requests_in_progress(recheck_time_if_false=1) # FIXME: Does the store have a count of one? # .....: Do we really care? If multiple then the top one will be highlighted... # Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?! self._input_helper.type_tab() else: # We are expecting some filter text filter_text = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'filterText') if not filter_text: raise Core.ArgumentException("value", "We were expecting the argument '{name}' to have a 'filterText' member, but it is missing.") # Reset the store load count combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) self._store_helper.reset_store_load_count(combobox_cq) # Filter it field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, filter_text, disable_realistic_typing=True) # Wait for the store to load self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(combobox_cq) # Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times # before the store load has actually triggered and completed. # To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete. self._core.wait_for_no_ajax_requests_in_progress(recheck_time_if_false=1) was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value) if not was_value_selected: raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value) else: if not is_value_a_dict: # We can just type into the combobox field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value) # Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?! self._input_helper.type_tab() else: was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value) if not was_value_selected: raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value) elif self.is_field_a_text_field(form_cq, name): # Field can be typed into field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value) # Still using xtype for testing for radiogroup controls, since name tends to be # shared between group and contained radios, meaning check fails. # Pretty unlikely to ever subclass a radiogroup class anyway, and if did would almost # certainly have the same suffix (we do). elif (field_xtype.endswith('radiogroup') or self.is_field_a_checkbox(form_cq, name) or self.is_field_a_radio_field(form_cq, name)): # FIXME: We could click on the elements here, after checking whether they # .....: are already set to the value we want. # .....: For a radio group, can get child controls using getBoxes(query), # .....: so could click on children if wanted! # Directly set the value on the field self.set_field_value_directly(form_cq, name, field_value) else: raise FieldHelper.UnsupportedFieldXTypeException(form_cq, name, field_xtype) else: raise FieldHelper.FieldNotFoundException(form_cq, name) def set_field_value_directly(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[int, str]): """Sets the value for a field using Ext's setValue method. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field value (Union[int, str]): The value for the field. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(value, str): value = f"'{value}'" # If value is a boolean we want to force it to lowercase if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() script = self._SET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, value=value) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() self._driver.execute_script(script) def focus_field(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], check_has_focus_after: bool = True): """Method to focus on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field to focus. check_has_focus_after (bool): Indicates whether to check that the field is focused afterwards. Defaults to True. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(index_or_name, str): index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'" script = self._FOCUS_FIELD_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded()"Focusing field %s on form '%s'", index_or_name, form_cq) self._driver.execute_script(script) if check_has_focus_after: has_focus = self.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, index_or_name) if not has_focus: self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' does not have focus!", index_or_name, form_cq) # Try again (can't hurt) self._driver.execute_script(script) else: self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' has focus!", index_or_name, form_cq) def does_field_have_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]) -> bool: """Determines whether focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field. Returns: bool: True if the field has focus, False otherwise. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(index_or_name, str): index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'" script = self._DOES_FIELD_HAVE_FOCUS_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def wait_until_field_has_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], timeout: float = 10): """Waits until the focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field. timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10) """ WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(FieldHelper.FieldHasFocusExpectation(form_cq, index_or_name)) def get_field_component_query(self, form_cq: str, name: str): """Builds the component query for a field on a form. This is useful, since allows you to interact with a field using component query, so can utilise the methods in StoreHelper, say. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field. """ # Need to use component rather than field since need to be able to query for radiogroup and checkbox group. return f'{form_cq} component[name="{name}"]' def check_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Method that checks that the value of the specified field is that specified. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field. name (str): The name of the field value (Any): The value that we expect the field to have. Returns: bool: True if the value of the field matches the expected, False otherwise. """ field_value = self.get_field_value(form_cq, name) return field_value == value def select_combobox_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict) -> bool: """Selects a value on a combobox field by finding a record with the specified data. All members of the data object must match a record in the store. Waits until the combobox has finished loading first, and ensures that the select event is fired on the combobox if the record is found. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field data (dict): The data to find in the store and select. Returns: True if the value was found and selected, False otherwise. """ self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) script = self._SELECT_COMBOBOX_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, data=data) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) def _is_field_remotely_filtered_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Attempts to find a field by name from the specified form panel, and determine whether it is a remotely filtered combobox. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field was found, and is a remotely filtered combobox. False otherwise. """ script = self._IS_REMOTELY_FILTERED_COMBOBOX_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script) class FieldNotFoundException(Exception): """Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified field""" def __init__(self, form_cq: str, name: str, message: str = "Failed to find field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'."): """Initialises an instance of this exception Args: form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form name (str): The name of the field message (str, optional): The exception message. Defaults to "Failed to find field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'.". """ self.message = message self._form_cq = form_cq self._name = name super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of this exception""" return self.message.format(name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq) class UnsupportedFieldXTypeException(Exception): """Exception class thrown when we have been asked to perform an action that is not supported for the given field xtype. """ def __init__(self, form_cq: str, name: str, xtype: str, message: str = "The field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}' is of an xtype '{xtype}' which is not supported for the requested operation."): """Initialises an instance of this exception Args: form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form name (str): The name of the field xtype (str): The xtype of the field. message (str, optional): The exception message. Defaults to "The field named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}' is of an xtype '{xtype}' which is not supported for the requested operation." """ self.message = message self._form_cq = form_cq self._name = name self._xtype = xtype super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of this exception""" return self.message.format(name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq, xtype=self._xtype) class RecordNotFoundException(Exception): """Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified record in the a combobox""" def __init__(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict, message: str = "Failed to find record with data {data} in combobox named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'."): """Initialises an instance of this exception Args: form_cq (str): The CQ used to find the form name (str): The name of the combobox data (dict): The data for the record we were looking for. message (str, optional): The exception message. Defaults to "Failed to find record with data {data} in combobox named '{name}' on form with CQ '{form_cq}'.". """ self.message = message self._form_cq = form_cq self._name = name self._data = data super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of this exception""" return self.message.format(data=self._data, name=self._name, form_cq=self._form_cq) class FieldHasFocusExpectation: """ An expectation for checking that the specified field has focus""" def __init__(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]): """Initialises an instance of this class. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field. """ self._form_cq = form_cq self._index_or_name = index_or_name def __call__(self, driver): """Method that determines whether a CQ is found """ return FieldHelper(driver).does_field_have_focus(self._form_cq, self._index_or_name)
Class variables
var FieldHasFocusExpectation
An expectation for checking that the specified field has focus
var FieldNotFoundException
Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified field
var RecordNotFoundException
Exception class thrown when we failed to find the specified record in the a combobox
var UnsupportedFieldXTypeException
Exception class thrown when we have been asked to perform an action that is not supported for the given field xtype.
def check_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Any) ‑> bool
Method that checks that the value of the specified field is that specified.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field.
- The name of the field
- The value that we expect the field to have.
- True if the value of the field matches the expected, False otherwise.
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def check_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Method that checks that the value of the specified field is that specified. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field. name (str): The name of the field value (Any): The value that we expect the field to have. Returns: bool: True if the value of the field matches the expected, False otherwise. """ field_value = self.get_field_value(form_cq, name) return field_value == value
def does_field_have_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]) ‑> bool
Determines whether focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
:Union[int, str]
- The zero-based index or name of the field.
- True if the field has focus, False otherwise.
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def does_field_have_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str]) -> bool: """Determines whether focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field. Returns: bool: True if the field has focus, False otherwise. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(index_or_name, str): index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'" script = self._DOES_FIELD_HAVE_FOCUS_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def find_field_input_element(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement
Attempts to get a field by name from the specified form panel
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- The field's input element DOM element, or None if not found.
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def find_field_input_element(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> WebElement: """Attempts to get a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: WebElement: The field's input element DOM element, or None if not found. """ field_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) # Append enabled test field_cq = field_cq + '{isDisabled()===false}' # And wait until available self._cq.wait_for_single_query(field_cq) # Now get its input element script = self._FIND_FIELD_INPUT_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def focus_field(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], check_has_focus_after: bool = True)
Method to focus on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
:Union[int, str]
- The zero-based index or name of the field to focus.
- Indicates whether to check that the field is focused afterwards. Defaults to True.
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def focus_field(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], check_has_focus_after: bool = True): """Method to focus on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field to focus. check_has_focus_after (bool): Indicates whether to check that the field is focused afterwards. Defaults to True. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(index_or_name, str): index_or_name = f"'{index_or_name}'" script = self._FOCUS_FIELD_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, index_or_name=index_or_name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded()"Focusing field %s on form '%s'", index_or_name, form_cq) self._driver.execute_script(script) if check_has_focus_after: has_focus = self.does_field_have_focus(form_cq, index_or_name) if not has_focus: self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' does not have focus!", index_or_name, form_cq) # Try again (can't hurt) self._driver.execute_script(script) else: self._logger.debug("Field %s on form '%s' has focus!", index_or_name, form_cq)
def get_field_component_query(self, form_cq: str, name: str)
Builds the component query for a field on a form.
This is useful, since allows you to interact with a field using component query, so can utilise the methods in StoreHelper, say.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field.
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def get_field_component_query(self, form_cq: str, name: str): """Builds the component query for a field on a form. This is useful, since allows you to interact with a field using component query, so can utilise the methods in StoreHelper, say. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field. """ # Need to use component rather than field since need to be able to query for radiogroup and checkbox group. return f'{form_cq} component[name="{name}"]'
def get_field_display_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> Any
Attempts to get the display value of a field by name from the specified form panel.
Supported by comboboxes and display fields.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- The display value of the field, or None if not found or if the field does not have a display value.
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def get_field_display_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any: """Attempts to get the display value of a field by name from the specified form panel. Supported by comboboxes and display fields. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: Any: The display value of the field, or None if not found or if the field does not have a display value. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_DISPLAY_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def get_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> Any
Attempts to get the value of a field by name from the specified form panel
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- The value of the field, or None if not found.
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def get_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> Any: """Attempts to get the value of a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: Any: The value of the field, or None if not found. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def get_field_xtype(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> str
Attempts to get the xtype of a field by name from the specified form panel
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- The xtype of the field, or None if not found.
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def get_field_xtype(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> str: """Attempts to get the xtype of a field by name from the specified form panel Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: str: The xtype of the field, or None if not found. """ script = self._GET_FIELD_XTYPE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def is_field_a_checkbox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a checkbox (or a subclass of it).
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a checkbox, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_checkbox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a checkbox (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a checkbox, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a combobox (or a subclass of it).
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a combobox, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_combobox(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a combobox (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a combobox, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_date_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a date field (or a subclass of it).
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a date field, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_date_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a date field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a date field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Date', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_number_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a number field (or a subclass of it).
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a number field, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_number_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a number field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a number field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Number', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_radio_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a radio field (or a subclass of it).
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a radio field, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_radio_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a radio field (or a subclass of it). Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a radio field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Radio', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def is_field_a_text_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) ‑> bool
Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a text field (or a subclass of it). Note that text areas, number fields, and date fields all inherit from text field.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- True if the field is a text field, False otherwise.
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def is_field_a_text_field(self, form_cq: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the field (by name) on the specified form panel is a text field (or a subclass of it). Note that text areas, number fields, and date fields all inherit from text field. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field Returns: bool: True if the field is a text field, False otherwise. """ return self._cq.is_component_instance_of_class('Ext.form.field.Text', self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name))
def select_combobox_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict) ‑> bool
Selects a value on a combobox field by finding a record with the specified data. All members of the data object must match a record in the store.
Waits until the combobox has finished loading first, and ensures that the select event is fired on the combobox if the record is found.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
- The data to find in the store and select.
True if the value was found and selected, False otherwise.
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def select_combobox_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, data: dict) -> bool: """Selects a value on a combobox field by finding a record with the specified data. All members of the data object must match a record in the store. Waits until the combobox has finished loading first, and ensures that the select event is fired on the combobox if the record is found. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field data (dict): The data to find in the store and select. Returns: True if the value was found and selected, False otherwise. """ self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name)) script = self._SELECT_COMBOBOX_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, data=data) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() return self._driver.execute_script(script)
def set_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[dict, float, str])
Sets the value for a field.
If the field can be typed into by a user, and the value is typeable, then that is the approach taken.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field.
- The name of the field.
:Union[dict, float, str]
- The value for the field.
If the value is a number or string then it is typed into the field where possible, otherwise the value is set directly. If the value is a dictionary then either it, or it's value member is taken to be model data to select in a combobox. If the combobox is remotely filtered then it is expected that both a value member and a filterText member is specified, where the filterText is typed into the combobox, then the value selected. If the value is supplied as a dictionary and the field is not a store holder then an exception is thrown.
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def set_field_value(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[dict, float, str]): """Sets the value for a field. If the field can be typed into by a user, and the value is typeable, then that is the approach taken. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field. name (str): The name of the field. value (Union[dict, float, str]): The value for the field. If the value is a number or string then it is typed into the field where possible, otherwise the value is set directly. If the value is a dictionary then either it, or it's value member is taken to be model data to select in a combobox. If the combobox is remotely filtered then it is expected that both a value member and a filterText member is specified, where the filterText is typed into the combobox, then the value selected. If the value is supplied as a dictionary and the field is not a store holder then an exception is thrown. """ # Only used for radiogroup controls now, but xtype still useful to throw a better error if field not found. field_xtype = self.get_field_xtype(form_cq, name) if field_xtype: # Field found! field_value = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'value', value) # Now need to set it's value if self.is_field_a_combobox(form_cq, name): is_combo_remote = self._is_field_remotely_filtered_combobox(form_cq, name) is_value_a_dict = isinstance(field_value, dict) if is_combo_remote: if not is_value_a_dict: # We want to type into the combobox, to filter it, and wait for it to load. # Once loaded we expect to have a single value that will end up selected. # Reset the store load count combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) self._store_helper.reset_store_load_count(combobox_cq) # Filter it field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value, disable_realistic_typing=True) # Wait for the store to load self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(combobox_cq) # Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times # before the store load has actually triggered and completed. # To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete, then check # if the store has loaded self._core.wait_for_no_ajax_requests_in_progress(recheck_time_if_false=1) # FIXME: Does the store have a count of one? # .....: Do we really care? If multiple then the top one will be highlighted... # Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?! self._input_helper.type_tab() else: # We are expecting some filter text filter_text = self._core.try_get_object_member(value, 'filterText') if not filter_text: raise Core.ArgumentException("value", "We were expecting the argument '{name}' to have a 'filterText' member, but it is missing.") # Reset the store load count combobox_cq = self.get_field_component_query(form_cq, name) self._store_helper.reset_store_load_count(combobox_cq) # Filter it field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, filter_text, disable_realistic_typing=True) # Wait for the store to load self._store_helper.wait_for_store_loaded(combobox_cq) # Often (especially when local) the load count will be incremented several times # before the store load has actually triggered and completed. # To guard against this, wait for any pending Ajax calls to complete. self._core.wait_for_no_ajax_requests_in_progress(recheck_time_if_false=1) was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value) if not was_value_selected: raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value) else: if not is_value_a_dict: # We can just type into the combobox field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value) # Seems we need to tab off or sometimes the value will not stick?! self._input_helper.type_tab() else: was_value_selected = self.select_combobox_value(form_cq, name, field_value) if not was_value_selected: raise FieldHelper.RecordNotFoundException(form_cq, name, field_value) elif self.is_field_a_text_field(form_cq, name): # Field can be typed into field = self.find_field_input_element(form_cq, name) self._input_helper.type_into_element(field, field_value) # Still using xtype for testing for radiogroup controls, since name tends to be # shared between group and contained radios, meaning check fails. # Pretty unlikely to ever subclass a radiogroup class anyway, and if did would almost # certainly have the same suffix (we do). elif (field_xtype.endswith('radiogroup') or self.is_field_a_checkbox(form_cq, name) or self.is_field_a_radio_field(form_cq, name)): # FIXME: We could click on the elements here, after checking whether they # .....: are already set to the value we want. # .....: For a radio group, can get child controls using getBoxes(query), # .....: so could click on children if wanted! # Directly set the value on the field self.set_field_value_directly(form_cq, name, field_value) else: raise FieldHelper.UnsupportedFieldXTypeException(form_cq, name, field_xtype) else: raise FieldHelper.FieldNotFoundException(form_cq, name)
def set_field_value_directly(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[int, str])
Sets the value for a field using Ext's setValue method.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
- The name of the field
:Union[int, str]
- The value for the field.
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def set_field_value_directly(self, form_cq: str, name: str, value: Union[int, str]): """Sets the value for a field using Ext's setValue method. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field name (str): The name of the field value (Union[int, str]): The value for the field. """ # If value is a string then we want to quote it in our script if isinstance(value, str): value = f"'{value}'" # If value is a boolean we want to force it to lowercase if isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() script = self._SET_FIELD_VALUE_TEMPLATE.format(form_cq=form_cq, name=name, value=value) self.ensure_javascript_loaded() self._driver.execute_script(script)
def wait_until_field_has_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], timeout: float = 10)
Waits until the focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name.
- The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field
:Union[int, str]
- The zero-based index or name of the field.
- Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
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def wait_until_field_has_focus(self, form_cq: str, index_or_name: Union[int, str], timeout: float = 10): """Waits until the focus is on a field on a form by (zero-based) index or name. Args: form_cq (str): The component query that identifies the form panel in which to look for the field index_or_name (Union[int, str]): The zero-based index or name of the field. timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10) """ WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(FieldHelper.FieldHasFocusExpectation(form_cq, index_or_name))
Inherited members