Module pyseext.component_query

Module that contains our ComponentQuery class.

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Module that contains our ComponentQuery class.
import logging
from typing import Union

from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from import WebDriverWait

from pyseext.has_referenced_javascript import HasReferencedJavaScript

class ComponentQuery(HasReferencedJavaScript):
    """A class to help with using Ext.ComponentQuery"""

    # Class variables
    _QUERY_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', '{root_id}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query under a specified root.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {root_id}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_CSS_SELECTOR: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', undefined, '{css_selector}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query, and then execute a CSS selector query against each matched element.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {css_selector}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT_AND_CSS_SELECTOR: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', '{root_id}', '{css_selector}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query under a specified root, and then execute a CSS selector query against each matched element.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {root_id}, {css_selector}"""

    _IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.isComponentInstanceOf('{class_name}', '{cq}')"
    """The script template to use to determine whether a component query matches a component of the specified class.
    Requires the inserts: {class_name}, {cq}"""

    _IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.isComponentInstanceOf('{class_name}', '{cq}', '{root_id}')"
    """The script template to use to determine whether a component query matches a component of the specified class.
    Requires the inserts: {class_name}, {cq}, {root_id}"""

    def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver):
        """Initialises an instance of this class

            driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use
        # Instance variables
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        """The logger instance for this class instance"""

        self._driver = driver
        """The WebDriver instance for this class instance"""

        # Initialise our base class
        super().__init__(driver, self._logger)

    def query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
        """Executes a ComponentQuery and returns the result

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.
            list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found
        if root_id is None and css_selector is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s'", cq)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE.format(cq=cq)
        elif css_selector is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s'", cq, root_id)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id)
        elif root_id is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, css_selector)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, css_selector=css_selector)
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, root_id, css_selector)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT_AND_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id, css_selector=css_selector)

        query_result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

        self._logger.debug("CQ '%s' gave results: %s", cq, query_result)

        return query_result

    def wait_for_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, throw_if_not_found: bool = True, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match something

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            throw_if_not_found (bool): Indicates whether to throw an exception if not found (default True).
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found (and not configured to throw)
            WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(ComponentQuery.ComponentQueryFoundExpectation(cq))
            return self.query(cq, root_id, css_selector)
        except TimeoutException as exc:
            if throw_if_not_found:
                raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id) from exc

            return []

    def wait_for_single_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single result.
        If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
        results = self.wait_for_query(cq, root_id, timeout, True, css_selector)
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise ComponentQuery.QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException(cq, len(results))

        return results[0]

    def wait_for_single_query_visible(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single visible result.
        If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
        if not cq.endswith('{isVisible(true)}'):
            cq = cq + '{isVisible(true)}'

        return self.wait_for_single_query(cq, root_id, timeout, css_selector)

    def is_component_instance_of_class(self, class_name: str, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 1) -> bool:
        """Determines whether the component for the specified CQ is an instance of the specified class name.

        Note, will return True if the component is a subclass of the type too.

        If the component is not found then an error is thrown.

            class_name (str): The class name to test for, e.g. 'Ext.container.Container'.
            cq (str): The query to find the component.
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 1)

            bool: True if the component is an instance of the specified class (including a subclass). False otherwise.
        if root_id is None:
            script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq)
            script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq, root_id=root_id)

        result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

        if result is None:
            raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id)

        return result

    class ComponentQueryFoundExpectation:
        """ An expectation for checking that an Ext.ComponentQuery is found"""

        def __init__(self, cq: str):
            """Initialises an instance of this class.
            self._cq = cq

        def __call__(self, driver):
            """Method that determines whether a CQ is found
            results = ComponentQuery(driver).query(self._cq)
            return results is not None and len(results) > 0

    class QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException(Exception):
        """Exception class thrown when expecting a single component query match and get multiple"""

        def __init__(self, cq: str, count: int, message: str = "Expected a single match from ComponentQuery '{cq}' but got {count}."):
            """Initialises an instance of this exception

                cq (str): The component query that has been executed
                timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out
                count (int): The number of results that we got
                message (str, optional): The message for the exception. Must contain a 'cq' and 'count' format inserts.
                                         Defaults to "Expected a single match from ComponentQuery '{cq}' but got '{count}'".
            self.message = message
            self._cq = cq
            self._count = count


        def __str__(self):
            """Returns a string representation of this exception"""
            return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, count=self._count)

    class QueryNotFoundException(Exception):
        """Exception class thrown when a component query could not be found"""

        def __init__(self,
                     cq: str,
                     timeout: float,
                     root_id: Union[str, None] = None,
                     message_without_root: str = "Waiting for component query '{cq}' timed out after {timeout} seconds",
                     message_with_root: str = "Waiting for component query '{cq}' under root '{root_id}' timed out after {timeout} seconds"):
            """Initialises an instance of this exception

                cq (str): The component query that has been executed
                timeout (float): Number of seconds waited
                root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which the query was performed.
                message_without_root (str, optional): The message for the exception when there is no root. Must contain a 'cq' and 'timeout' format inserts.
                                                      Defaults to "Waiting for component query '{cq}' timed out after {timeout} seconds".
                message_with_root (str, optional): The message for the exception when there is a root. Must contain a 'cq', 'root_id' and 'timeout' format inserts.
                                                   Defaults to "Waiting for component query '{cq}' under root '{root_id}' timed out after {timeout} seconds".
            self._cq = cq
            self._timeout = timeout
            self._root_id = root_id

            if root_id is None:
                self.message = message_without_root
                self.message = message_with_root


        def __str__(self):
            """Returns a string representation of this exception"""
            if self._root_id is None:
                return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, timeout=self._timeout)
                return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, timeout=self._timeout, root_id=self._root_id)


class ComponentQuery (driver: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver)

A class to help with using Ext.ComponentQuery

Initialises an instance of this class


driver : WebDriver
The webdriver to use
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class ComponentQuery(HasReferencedJavaScript):
    """A class to help with using Ext.ComponentQuery"""

    # Class variables
    _QUERY_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', '{root_id}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query under a specified root.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {root_id}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_CSS_SELECTOR: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', undefined, '{css_selector}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query, and then execute a CSS selector query against each matched element.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {css_selector}"""

    _QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT_AND_CSS_SELECTOR: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.query('{cq}', '{root_id}', '{css_selector}')"
    """The script template to use to execute a component query under a specified root, and then execute a CSS selector query against each matched element.
    Requires the inserts: {cq}, {root_id}, {css_selector}"""

    _IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.isComponentInstanceOf('{class_name}', '{cq}')"
    """The script template to use to determine whether a component query matches a component of the specified class.
    Requires the inserts: {class_name}, {cq}"""

    _IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT: str = "return globalThis.PySeExt.ComponentQuery.isComponentInstanceOf('{class_name}', '{cq}', '{root_id}')"
    """The script template to use to determine whether a component query matches a component of the specified class.
    Requires the inserts: {class_name}, {cq}, {root_id}"""

    def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver):
        """Initialises an instance of this class

            driver (WebDriver): The webdriver to use
        # Instance variables
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        """The logger instance for this class instance"""

        self._driver = driver
        """The WebDriver instance for this class instance"""

        # Initialise our base class
        super().__init__(driver, self._logger)

    def query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
        """Executes a ComponentQuery and returns the result

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.
            list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found
        if root_id is None and css_selector is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s'", cq)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE.format(cq=cq)
        elif css_selector is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s'", cq, root_id)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id)
        elif root_id is None:
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, css_selector)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, css_selector=css_selector)
            self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, root_id, css_selector)
            script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT_AND_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id, css_selector=css_selector)

        query_result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

        self._logger.debug("CQ '%s' gave results: %s", cq, query_result)

        return query_result

    def wait_for_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, throw_if_not_found: bool = True, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match something

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            throw_if_not_found (bool): Indicates whether to throw an exception if not found (default True).
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found (and not configured to throw)
            WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(ComponentQuery.ComponentQueryFoundExpectation(cq))
            return self.query(cq, root_id, css_selector)
        except TimeoutException as exc:
            if throw_if_not_found:
                raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id) from exc

            return []

    def wait_for_single_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single result.
        If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
        results = self.wait_for_query(cq, root_id, timeout, True, css_selector)
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise ComponentQuery.QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException(cq, len(results))

        return results[0]

    def wait_for_single_query_visible(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
        """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single visible result.
        If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

            cq (str): The query to execute
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
            css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                          e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

            WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
        if not cq.endswith('{isVisible(true)}'):
            cq = cq + '{isVisible(true)}'

        return self.wait_for_single_query(cq, root_id, timeout, css_selector)

    def is_component_instance_of_class(self, class_name: str, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 1) -> bool:
        """Determines whether the component for the specified CQ is an instance of the specified class name.

        Note, will return True if the component is a subclass of the type too.

        If the component is not found then an error is thrown.

            class_name (str): The class name to test for, e.g. 'Ext.container.Container'.
            cq (str): The query to find the component.
            root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                     If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
            timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 1)

            bool: True if the component is an instance of the specified class (including a subclass). False otherwise.
        if root_id is None:
            script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq)
            script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq, root_id=root_id)

        result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

        if result is None:
            raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id)

        return result

    class ComponentQueryFoundExpectation:
        """ An expectation for checking that an Ext.ComponentQuery is found"""

        def __init__(self, cq: str):
            """Initialises an instance of this class.
            self._cq = cq

        def __call__(self, driver):
            """Method that determines whether a CQ is found
            results = ComponentQuery(driver).query(self._cq)
            return results is not None and len(results) > 0

    class QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException(Exception):
        """Exception class thrown when expecting a single component query match and get multiple"""

        def __init__(self, cq: str, count: int, message: str = "Expected a single match from ComponentQuery '{cq}' but got {count}."):
            """Initialises an instance of this exception

                cq (str): The component query that has been executed
                timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out
                count (int): The number of results that we got
                message (str, optional): The message for the exception. Must contain a 'cq' and 'count' format inserts.
                                         Defaults to "Expected a single match from ComponentQuery '{cq}' but got '{count}'".
            self.message = message
            self._cq = cq
            self._count = count


        def __str__(self):
            """Returns a string representation of this exception"""
            return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, count=self._count)

    class QueryNotFoundException(Exception):
        """Exception class thrown when a component query could not be found"""

        def __init__(self,
                     cq: str,
                     timeout: float,
                     root_id: Union[str, None] = None,
                     message_without_root: str = "Waiting for component query '{cq}' timed out after {timeout} seconds",
                     message_with_root: str = "Waiting for component query '{cq}' under root '{root_id}' timed out after {timeout} seconds"):
            """Initialises an instance of this exception

                cq (str): The component query that has been executed
                timeout (float): Number of seconds waited
                root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which the query was performed.
                message_without_root (str, optional): The message for the exception when there is no root. Must contain a 'cq' and 'timeout' format inserts.
                                                      Defaults to "Waiting for component query '{cq}' timed out after {timeout} seconds".
                message_with_root (str, optional): The message for the exception when there is a root. Must contain a 'cq', 'root_id' and 'timeout' format inserts.
                                                   Defaults to "Waiting for component query '{cq}' under root '{root_id}' timed out after {timeout} seconds".
            self._cq = cq
            self._timeout = timeout
            self._root_id = root_id

            if root_id is None:
                self.message = message_without_root
                self.message = message_with_root


        def __str__(self):
            """Returns a string representation of this exception"""
            if self._root_id is None:
                return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, timeout=self._timeout)
                return self.message.format(cq=self._cq, timeout=self._timeout, root_id=self._root_id)


Class variables

var ComponentQueryFoundExpectation

An expectation for checking that an Ext.ComponentQuery is found

var QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException

Exception class thrown when expecting a single component query match and get multiple

var QueryNotFoundException

Exception class thrown when a component query could not be found


def is_component_instance_of_class(self, class_name: str, cq: str, root_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: float = 1) ‑> bool

Determines whether the component for the specified CQ is an instance of the specified class name.

Note, will return True if the component is a subclass of the type too.

If the component is not found then an error is thrown.


class_name : str
The class name to test for, e.g. 'Ext.container.Container'.
cq : str
The query to find the component.
root_id : str, optional
The id of the container within which to perform the query. If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
timeout : float
Number of seconds before timing out (default 1)


True if the component is an instance of the specified class (including a subclass). False otherwise.
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def is_component_instance_of_class(self, class_name: str, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 1) -> bool:
    """Determines whether the component for the specified CQ is an instance of the specified class name.

    Note, will return True if the component is a subclass of the type too.

    If the component is not found then an error is thrown.

        class_name (str): The class name to test for, e.g. 'Ext.container.Container'.
        cq (str): The query to find the component.
        root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                 If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
        timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 1)

        bool: True if the component is an instance of the specified class (including a subclass). False otherwise.
    if root_id is None:
        script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq)
        script = self._IS_COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OF_CLASS_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(class_name=class_name, cq=cq, root_id=root_id)

    result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

    if result is None:
        raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id)

    return result
def query(self, cq: str, root_id: Optional[str] = None, css_selector: Optional[str] = None) ‑> list[selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement]

Executes a ComponentQuery and returns the result


cq : str
The query to execute
root_id : str, optional
The id of the container within which to perform the query. If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
css_selector : str, optional
An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component, e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.


An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found
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def query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
    """Executes a ComponentQuery and returns the result

        cq (str): The query to execute
        root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                 If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
        css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                      e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.
        list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found
    if root_id is None and css_selector is None:
        self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s'", cq)
        script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE.format(cq=cq)
    elif css_selector is None:
        self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s'", cq, root_id)
        script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id)
    elif root_id is None:
        self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, css_selector)
        script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, css_selector=css_selector)
        self._logger.debug("Executing CQ '%s' under root '%s' with CSS selector '%s'", cq, root_id, css_selector)
        script = self._QUERY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ROOT_AND_CSS_SELECTOR.format(cq=cq, root_id=root_id, css_selector=css_selector)

    query_result = self._driver.execute_script(script)

    self._logger.debug("CQ '%s' gave results: %s", cq, query_result)

    return query_result
def wait_for_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: float = 10, throw_if_not_found: bool = True, css_selector: Optional[str] = None) ‑> list[selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement]

Method that waits for the specified CQ to match something


cq : str
The query to execute
root_id : str, optional
The id of the container within which to perform the query. If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
timeout : float
Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
throw_if_not_found : bool
Indicates whether to throw an exception if not found (default True).
css_selector : str, optional
An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component, e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.


An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found (and not configured to throw)
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def wait_for_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, throw_if_not_found: bool = True, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> list[WebElement]:
    """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match something

        cq (str): The query to execute
        root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                 If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
        timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
        throw_if_not_found (bool): Indicates whether to throw an exception if not found (default True).
        css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                      e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

        list[WebElement]: An array of DOM elements that match the query or an empty array if not found (and not configured to throw)
        WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(ComponentQuery.ComponentQueryFoundExpectation(cq))
        return self.query(cq, root_id, css_selector)
    except TimeoutException as exc:
        if throw_if_not_found:
            raise ComponentQuery.QueryNotFoundException(cq, timeout, root_id) from exc

        return []
def wait_for_single_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Optional[str] = None) ‑> selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement

Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single result. If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.


cq : str
The query to execute
root_id : str, optional
The id of the container within which to perform the query. If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
timeout : float
Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
css_selector : str, optional
An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component, e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.


The DOM element that matches the query
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def wait_for_single_query(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
    """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single result.
    If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

        cq (str): The query to execute
        root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                 If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
        timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
        css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                      e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

        WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
    results = self.wait_for_query(cq, root_id, timeout, True, css_selector)
    if len(results) > 1:
        raise ComponentQuery.QueryMatchedMultipleElementsException(cq, len(results))

    return results[0]
def wait_for_single_query_visible(self, cq: str, root_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Optional[str] = None) ‑> selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement

Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single visible result. If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.


cq : str
The query to execute
root_id : str, optional
The id of the container within which to perform the query. If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
timeout : float
Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
css_selector : str, optional
An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component, e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.


The DOM element that matches the query
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def wait_for_single_query_visible(self, cq: str, root_id: Union[str, None] = None, timeout: float = 10, css_selector: Union[str, None] = None) -> WebElement:
    """Method that waits for the specified CQ to match a single visible result.
    If there are multiple matches then an error is thrown.

        cq (str): The query to execute
        root_id (str, optional): The id of the container within which to perform the query.
                                 If omitted, all components within the document are included in the search.
        timeout (float): Number of seconds before timing out (default 10)
        css_selector (str, optional): An optional CSS selector that can be used to get child elements of a found component,
                                      e.g. a clear trigger on a field would be '.x-form-clear-trigger'.

        WebElement: The DOM element that matches the query
    if not cq.endswith('{isVisible(true)}'):
        cq = cq + '{isVisible(true)}'

    return self.wait_for_single_query(cq, root_id, timeout, css_selector)

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